Have you been dreaming for a long time about performing of therapeutic plasmapheresis procedure in your medical institution? Or you are still carring out this procedure by the manual method?
We propose to your attention the latest development of the manufacturing company Sichuan Nigale Biotechnology Co., Ltd., China - Plasmaseparator DigiPla 90.
Products quality and innovations are recognized by reputable experts and confirmed by practical application in healthcare facilities all over the world.
Equipment and disposables are certified in Ukraine in accordance with the Technical Regulations for medical devices, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 753 of 02.10.2013.
High quality and reasonable price will pleasantly surprise you.
More information by the link: http://ledum.com.ua/en/538-separator-plazmy-digipla-90.
Call 0675605242, our managers will gladly give you professional advice.
Sincerely, Ledum Ltd